Most common types of stinging insects:

  • paper wasps
  • yellow jackets
  • bald-faced hornets
  • carpenter bees
  • honey bees

Paper Wasps
Paper wasps generally won't cause problems unless they are bothered or feel threatened. It can be irritating as they like to swarm around houses looking for a place to build their nest.
We can treat the exterior of your house to prevent wasps from being able to build a nest on your house. Treatment will not stop wasps from flying around, however, if they are not able to build a nest, they will eventually go away to find a new place to nest.

Yellow Jackets
Yellow jackets are highly aggressive, especially in late summer and fall. They can build nests on the interior or exterior of homes and other structures, or in the ground. These insects are easily identifiable by black and yellow stripes. We treat a yellow jacket nest by spraying the opening where the yellow jackets are entering and exiting. Typically, you will see reduced activity within 24 hours with the entire nest dying in 2-3 weeks.

Bald-Faced Hornet
Like Yellow Jackets, the Bald-Face Hornet is highly aggressive, especially in late Summer and Fall. They do not build nests on the interior of structures, but can on the exterior, as well as trees and heavy bushes. Typically in higher areas 10-12 feet off the ground. The Bald-Faced Hornet is not a true hornet, but a type of Yellow Jacket. As such, it is treated in much the same manner as Yellow Jackets. The opening of the nest is sprayed and, like Yellow Jackets, you will typically see reduced activity within 24 hours with the entire nest dying in 2-3 weeks.

Carpenter Bees
Carpenter Bees are not aggressive, but as their name suggests, they can cause damage to wood. Bore holes in wood to raise their offspring. They can be treated anytime they are active, not before. They are treated with sprays and dusts.

Honey Bees
In the words of our company president, "They are the sweetheart of stinging insects." They are not aggressive. We will not treat unless they are posing imminent danger to people. We can provide a referral to a local beekeeper.